
Jessika Khristina
A New York native from The South Bronx, Jessika Khristina is a Latinx non-bindary queer creative, actress and voice actor., receiving their Associates degree in Theater at CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College. Their credits include the first debut of Black Petal Theater Company's 7:00 as Debra Huxelberry at the Thespis Theater Festival in 2016. Also becoming a finalist in another one of Black Petal's original work, The Funeral, at Manhattan Repertory's One Act Festival. Recently, they appeared in their first Web-Series, Bodega Knights written, produced and directed by creatives on The Telly Channel that debuted early 2020 on IG TV. They were casted in their first voice acting film, An Ego An I in March 2023.
Aside from acting, Jessika is a spoken word artist, painter and in the works of becoming an aerialist.